
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Japanese display of affection

We need to get back to the topic of love, which is going to be the one keeping us busy in our first public reading. So, let's get in the mood for love. While browsing The Guardian this morning, I came across the most picturesque public display of affection. Do you see yourself doing something like this? Could it become popular in Spain? Watch the following video and see what you think.

Love your wife day

Dozens of men take to the stage in a Tokyo park to declare love for their wives in an abnormally open display of affection. The husbands take turns to address their other halves loudly in front of an audience at the event which is broadcast nationwide. Love Your Wife day, which has been running for five years, provides a platform for Japanese men to be affectionate in a society which is often more reserved.

Source: Reuters, Jan 29th, 2013


  1. I wonder what Buddha would think about this.

    To answer your questions, I might be able to see myself doing something like this (after a couple of six-packs) but is this what women really want from their men? As to whether it could become popular in Spain, you never know. Look how Halloween has caught on; and when they started having no smoking laws in the US everyone here rolled their eyes and said that could never happen in Spain.

    Great video. Thanks for the post.

  2. I couldn't see myself shouting that way. This is not love, just a silly day. Besides, why wives don't declare their love for their husbands? Is it taken for granted?. I think Japanese people are really weird!

    1. Hi Mª Jesús,

      Weird? I wouldn't go so far as to call them weird. I must admit that I have a hard time using that word. What do you reckon other people might think when they see us buying boiled octupus in the streets, burying a sardine at the end of Carnival or eating 12 grapes to welcome in the new year? Weird is most of the time just different, and to me difference makes the world go round!

      Thanx for following the blog :-))


  3. Tremendous party. This is it! !!!!!!
    Love is love.
    Or are we so mature and bored?
    Or is our passion buried?

    I nearly forget. Buddha was kind of hippy, so imagine.....


    1. I know, but even though I don't consider myself shy, I'd never do anything like that!!!

      I guess I should be more free spirited

      Have a nice day, Itos

  4. Hi!!

    This video is a big surprise, I thought Japanese people were more reserved...

    Although I don't see myself doing something like this, I think it's great to share your feelings with the rest of the world if you feel like. I don't know if we are too shy or too cold to show our emotions, but it would be fantastic if we didn't mind what people might think about us, just like children do.

    1. You should propose the idea at work for next Valentine's Day!! I think it would be hilarious.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jajajaja do you think so? My boss would find out that I'm crazy!!! Anyway, we did something at work for the custmers, but not as funny as this one!! Maybe next year ;)
