
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Japanese display of affection

We need to get back to the topic of love, which is going to be the one keeping us busy in our first public reading. So, let's get in the mood for love. While browsing The Guardian this morning, I came across the most picturesque public display of affection. Do you see yourself doing something like this? Could it become popular in Spain? Watch the following video and see what you think.

Love your wife day

Dozens of men take to the stage in a Tokyo park to declare love for their wives in an abnormally open display of affection. The husbands take turns to address their other halves loudly in front of an audience at the event which is broadcast nationwide. Love Your Wife day, which has been running for five years, provides a platform for Japanese men to be affectionate in a society which is often more reserved.

Source: Reuters, Jan 29th, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I'm just so thrilled about seeing that my humble blog has a little group of followers! I wouldn't want to abuse your kindness but, even though you've just made my day by simply joining as members, I'd love it if you commented on some of the posts every once in a while.

If any of you would like to get something published on my blog, make sure you send it to me. Those of you who personally know me have my e-mail address. If not, you can use this account to make texts get to me.

As the name of the blog suggests, its main purpose is to improve our writing skills by reading.  I have and will be recommending books to read. However, I know that we do not always have enough time for extensive reading. Going through these short texts that I'll be publishing here might offer us at least some insight into how to eventually start writing.

You've taken the fist step, you're now reading. Be brave and take the next one. Write a little comment on any of the posts on the blog. Once you do that, you'll be sending me texts to publish and that will be the real leap forward, the one that will make you feel great, satisfied with all you're going through to learn how to write in a foreign language.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Life of Pi

I guess I'm going to be a rather hectic blogger. I warned you I was a newbie, basically I didn't know what was going to come out of the whole blogging thing. Here I was presenting the theme of love and encouraging you to find texts about it, while I'm going to be talking about something else. I promise I'll go back to Love in the coming days.

As some of you might know, I'm home "ridden" by a stupid sore throat, so while I was browsing the press this morning, I came across an interesting article. It deals with the hackneyed topic of "the movie or the book". In this case I read the book, and I must confess that even though I found it rather original, I got I little bit sick of so much water and so many animals. On the other hand other people I know who read it were highly impressed by it.

As the article comments, my favourite part, by far, was the bits about religion. How he tried to be Christian, Islamic and Buddhist at the same time was hilarious to me.

Here's the link to The Guardian's article. It might give you and idea of something to do on this rainy weekend


Sunday, January 13, 2013


  As I mentioned on my first post back in December, one of the activitites that our workshop has in mind to encourage reading is public recitals.

The first one will be held on the 14th of February, coinciding with Valentine's Day. You might think that this date is a bit trite and that it has only got meaning for big malls and chocolate factories, but we've got it in our heads to put a little twist on the sappy, sweet slop big business has contrived out of this once endearing holiday.

Let's just take it as an excuse to talk about love. There are many kinds of love and its manisfestations are numberless. I can never get tired of watching the opening scene of the movie "Love Actually" in which Hugh Grant tells us that despite being hard to believe, there is a lot more love in the world than hatred.

Do you know any poems, songs or texts connected to love that you would like to share with us? Would you like to take part in the recital? If so, just contact me. You know where to find me. Otherwise, comment on this post and I'll be the one contacting you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Modern family

Marriage and families

Nowadays, people have different opinions and behaviour about families and marriage than they used to have fifty years ago.
These days, in Europe and USA at least, the nature of those institutions is more permissive and open. You can find more easily a single-parent family, half-brothers or step-sisters than not many years ago. Also, it is more common that families live spread out and no necessarily in the same town or country. And, definitely, they are shorter. Couples have, on average, one or two kids and do not share the same house with grandparents, uncles etc. as it used to be normal in the past.
Another important change is that traditional marriages by any religious rite or habit have fallen. In some way, we can say that mayors and councillors work as a kind of priests. More couples go to the council to get married instead to some church.
Personally speaking, though, for me, the biggest challenge that our society faces these days is to allow that people of the same sex can get married without getting into trouble. Furthermore, in some countries they are allowed to bring up children, and most citizens agree, seeing that as a symptom of freedom.
To summarize, in my opinion, these changes mean that our mind needs to develop and to be able to become more human and less animal. The freer women and men are, the happier they will be. The more permissive they are, the better society we will be building. 

By José M. Glez Gutiérrez

The new role of women in our society

The power of women in my country

Much has been said about the role of women all through history. It has always been important but it has changed over the last centuries.Do you think women are happier now than 30 years ago? or  Might it be better for the development of our society?

Not long ago, women used to be at home, bringing up their children and doing the cleaning. They neither voted nor had relevant jobs. Little by little things have changed, working women have found their own place in a men´s world. They have demonstrated that they are able to work outside and at home. Superwomen capable of working 24 hours per day.Although the progress has been obvious and it is possible to find a woman working as a managing director of a company or even better the possibility of electing a woman as president of one nation, the fact is that the most relevant jobs are for men.

From my point of view the advantages of being independent and the feeling of being useful are more positive than the disadvantages ,for instance to have less time to be with your family or friends.Personally, I am doing both things and I believe that it is positive.

In conclusion, I think that women are happier now and this might be positive for the country because each one of us can contribute with a new insight.

By Rosa Domínguez Domínguez


Men and women are not equal, that is clear. But who makes the difference?

Men and women have genetic differences that are indisputable, which reside in our sex. Therefore, we can say that there is a sex difference between both. It is something biological, and is what makes many of our physical differences. But, in our society today we often speak of gender difference. Based on our gender (male or female) society gives us different roles which have changed a lot in the last 30 years.

For 30 years the role of man took place in the public sphere,  He worked outside the home, went out with friends,  while the role of women took place in the private sphere. She worked at home, cared for the children, cooked, cleaned, scrubbed,...  Women could not perform many of the activities without permission from men, they could not even wear the clothes they wanted. They lived by and for men.

But step by step, the roles of men and women are looking more and more similar. The incorporation of women into the workforce was a major step toward equality. Although wages, types of work and working conditions were not the same for both, women stopped living for working at home.

Nowadays there are still many differences between the genders but every time we're getting a little closer to the playing field.

By Llara Mejuto

Women in society

            Mary Astell said once “If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?”. During the last century women have been seeking for equality between genres: but do WE actually get the same opportunities as men?
            Fifty years ago my grandparents would live off the country. Apart from helping my grandfather, my grandmother had to take care of their nine children and do the housework without any help from her husband. Furthermore, my grandfather was the only one who could manage money.
            After having struggled a lot, women got the right to vote. Besides, not so much time ago it would have been impossible to think of a woman as the president of a country, but now it is possible. Nowadays women can have a career, since they can work outside home, and what is more, they have more power of speech and decision in the family.
            Despite all those achievements, women are still taking care of their children and doing  housework, and at the same time, they work outside home to support the family. Moreover, although men also have the right to go off work in order to be on a paternity leave, only 1.6% of them ask for it.
            Were all these changes enough to reach equality? I am convinced that there are many things to be done yet.

By Sandra Ledo


 Changing the roles

       The role of women and men has changed enormously over the last 30 years. But, is it enough or do we need to improve some aspects?
      When one compares the situation of our great-grandparents with society nowadays one will notice that it is really amazing. Many years ago it was unthinkable to see a man preparing the meal or doing the shopping. In addition, in the past, women used to be in charge of the housework or looking after the children, but nothing regarding outside home.
     Another major change is the different form of thinking about this topic. It appears that boys can do things which traditionally were made by girls and vice-versa. The reason is because people are becoming aware of the importance of being helpful to one another. For example, if a woman has a full time job, she probably will not have the time required to help the children with their homework or to do the laundry. So, her husband can do it.
     Speaking from experience, it is difficult for my grandmother, who is getting on, to change her opinion about this. It is owing to her childhood and education. However, she has to accept that all my uncles help her with everything considered to be “women’s work”.
     All things considered, I personally believe that we have made meaningful  changes but  we should concentrate on educating our new generations.
By Bea Martiñá